
2.0 for the Enterprise

Archive for February, 2006

Where’s the sweet spot?

Posted by Susan Scrupski on February 3, 2006

I' ve been spending time these weeks reconnecting with my network. Today, I had a nice chat with my old friend and colleague, Jack Sweeney, editor of Consulting Magazine. Jack and I have known each other since, Jeez, I'm not even sure– a long time. The magazine looks great; I'm particularly pleased he's doing well. It was good to catch up with him. He filled me in on a few things I was unsure of– namely Bob Howe's whereabouts these days and whatever became of George Shaheen…

I'm still wrestling with the where-in-the-market-do-I-want-to-settle-in question. There are good arguments on both sides of the debate (staying in the outsourcing market or going back to the internet services market). I'll keep soliciting good advice.

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